peoples agenda 21, social and economic factors, economics and sustainability

Human Dimensions, Environmental Values and Sustainability

Please note: This page is still under construction – please click here for a list of completed chapters. The People’s Agenda 21 Project is a 100% volunteer project created and designed by the One Community Team. We are working 1000′s of hours to keep developing its 40 chapters of sustainability to share for those interested in sustainability what is available and working around the world. Thank you for your patience.


The growth of world population and production, combined with unsustainable consumption patterns, places increasingly severe stresses on the life-supporting capacities of our planet. These interactive processes affect the use of land, water, air, energy and other resources. Rapidly growing cities, unless well-managed, face major environmental challenges and the increase in both the number and size of these cities is creating an opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of sustainability, and increased efficiency of collaborative versus isolationist mindsets and environments.


  • Human dimensions and demographics and sustainability
  • Environmental values and sustainability
  • Environmental factors and sustainability

People's Agenda 21, Ideas for the betterment of humanity, serving the highest good of all


People are now awakening to the possibility and potential of new sustainable models and can take action to demonstrate such a cooperative model and begin to see both the macro and micro-scale benefits it creates for the individual and the community. Open-source, sustainable solutions create an environment where significant increases in both short and long-term population growth are mutually supportable and sustainable.

Ideas for those interested in implementation

  • Equal access to business and educational opportunities, health care programs, economic independence and effective, equitable participation in all levels of decision-making
  • Sustainable development can be modeled and disseminated via an open source blueprint accessible through various mediums including the media, workshops, forums and other means so that the information can be used by decision makers at all levels and increase public awareness
  • Equality through equal opportunity: The goal is not for all to be the same, but rather to give everyone the same opportunity. Upon creating a social environment with equal opportunities for all we can achieve fairness and equality for all
  • Equal opportunity and sustainability: A new way forward is needed for people and the planet. This way forward is founded on the need for sustainable infrastructure at every level of living and production. At the dawn of a new age, we have the opportunity and need to teach people these new skills and teach everyone and anyone who shares the vision and wants to learn. Although sustainability is largely a new concept to most people, our planet Earth has had a sustainable infrastructure called Nature (see note 1 at header) for as long as the planet has been around. By embracing natural and sustainable practices we can provide good livelihoods and good life for Earth’s people.


Existing plans for sustainable development have generally recognized demographic trends and factors as elements that have an influence on consumption patterns, production, lifestyles and long-term sustainability. However, now greater attention must be given to these issues in the formulation and the design of development plans. It is important now that we fully integrate population concerns into planning and decision-making processes.

Ideas for those interested in implementation

  • This is largely achieved on the community level by means of a process of inclusivity, commitment, and consensus whereby members not only accept and embrace each other by celebrating their individuality and transcending their differences, but also committing themselves to the effort and the people involved and making decisions and reconciling their differences through consensus


Model how to implement integrated environment and development programs at the local level, taking into account demographic trends and factors. Produce and support programs that promote changes in demographic trends and factors towards sustainability including the development of health programs and services that enable people to fulfill their personal desires for the type health care they receive, thus keeping their freedom, dignity, and personally held values. In other words, not just having money put into modern medical facilities, but creating other affordable options based on the individuals desire.

Ideas for those interested in implementation

  • Acknowledging that areas of human resource development and capacity-building are areas of importance in the implementation of programs related to population growth
  • Creating and conducting workshops that link programs related to population growth to other development and environmental goals
  • Providing educational materials, including guides/workbooks for planners and decision makers and other actors of population/environment/development programs
  • Programs designed to fully support women’s productive and reproductive roles and well being, with special attention to the need for providing equal and improved health care for all children and the need to reduce the risk of maternal and child mortality and sickness

People's Agenda 21, Ideas for the betterment of humanity, serving the highest good of all